Many small clients will spend ages filling in spreadsheets and send them to you, to get around the cost of online subscriptions for accounting packages. Firstly, they save money and secondly, they do not have to work out how to use the online subscription and therefore they are not making a big mess for you to clean up.
But these small clients make up the majority of businesses in Australia. As we head towards having 2 million enterprises made up of one person usually operating with an ABN and a sole trader, there is still a need to complete compliance and services client.
Fast Rabbit has The Cruncher.
The Cruncher was developed by our accounting firm to solve our problem with small clients. You can use this as well competitively, and you will be amazed at how quickly and how accurately the accounts are completed without the mess of spreadsheets and without your client making a mess of an accounting package.
Contact Fast Rabbit 1300 982 559 || [email protected]