
Constantly challenging ourselves to deliver more to our clients

2nd Insolvency

“We have gone so far down the line of shutting insolvencies down the insolvency businesses themselves are looking at their pipelining going there is nothing there”

Here is the rub.

We are looking down to a period when in about three months businesses who have been getting

JobKeeper and other parts of the stimulus, who have carried liability over such a long period of time, will start saying well now I have to do something about it, or the taxman and creditors will be on my back.

Perhaps by then many insolvency firms would have had a solid nine months without much revenue and would have made their own deals to cut costs and if there is a new flood of work, they may not be able to cover the volume of work that comes through.

Fast Rabbit can help with getting a lot of the grind work of investigating the finances of the business being investigated completed.

  • Bank statements into trial balances in PDF and Excel
  • All creditors and payments listed so you know where the money went or was dragged out of the company
  • Easy graphing of all creditors and the ATO to find voidable preferences in a flash